30 Beautiful Butterfly Nail Art Designs That You Will Need To Get

Nail art design has seen some major improvement, these days your choices aren’t limited to French tips or stick on nail art as nail technicians learn new techniques.
You also get specialized brushes and pens which is designed for nail art.
The design possibilities are endless and with the nail art printers you can even add photos to your nails.
Although this opens so many new possibilities when it comes to nail art most girls love the butterfly nail art and with endless possibilities when it comes to butterfly designs you will definitely not have the same as everyone else.
The color possibilities for your butterfly designs can be anything you want them to be which means this design fits in with any outfit you are planning if you need nails done for an event.
Now you might think butterflies will look a bit childish but that is not the case as the various design you get can be simply remarkable as well as quite elegant. If you ever want to get a few butterflies on your nails but you are not sure which ones to get don’t sweat it here are a few designs which you might like
- Light blue with a few butterflies
This is a great design if you want something simple looking but still quite beautiful. This can normally done by nail art printers, Stickers or if you have one of those amazingly talented nail technician they might actually paint these on that might be a bit of a timely process but the end result will be simply stunning.
2. Colorful Butterfly wings
This designs will not feature a whole butterfly, it is more just the concept of the wings and it is quite colorful.
These days you won’t have to look to far to find a nail technician to help you with this design seeing that most if not all of them will be able to do this or something similar. This might not be the right design when it comes to elegant events but it is definitely a fun design for an everyday look.
3. Elegant gold small wings:
Do you maybe have quite an elegant function to go to and really love butterflies?
Well this design will be perfect and you will not have to look far for someone to help you with it, although it is elegant it is quite simple to do as well and it works great for everyday wear. This will be a great design if you need something for a function but also need something to not look overly done for your everyday nails.
4. Simple but interesting
This design is for everyone that likes a bit of a different design. Only two of your nails here will have a small butterfly and then some flower design and the rest is just a plain colour this will just make sure people’s attention goes towards the design and seeing that all of these designs are painted on and not sticked on makes it gorgeous and you get to appreciate the work more. It might be simple but to paint all the detail will not be a 20 min job this will take some time but in the end you have beautiful nails for any occasion.
5. Butterfly flower design
I am sure this butterfly design caught your eye immediately due to the fact that it is only added to 2 nails per hand while the rest have a beautiful orange tip design and it fits perfectly together to make a great design and this design will work great if you need to go to an event or just because you like it. This is more of a summer design and will look great with all your summer dresses. Finding a technician to paint this on might prove a bit more difficult as these designs include loads of detail and will take time but if you don’t have time you might want to find someone who can print it on.
6. Whimsical design
Do you want to feel like a child again well then this design might be for you? This is definitely not an elegant or classy design but it is a fun one to look at and to have if you prefer a bit of a whimsical design. This will make you feel happy when you look down at your nails it is quite a colourful design and might not be that hard to do and won’t take ages
7. Polka dot butterflies
Although this design might look plain and simple it is not. The butterflies an flowers has quite a bit of detail and this is definitely not one of the amateur looking designs yes sure it has the fun element but it is fun without looking childish and that is mainly due to the details that every element has. I love this design simply because it is not too over dramatic but also far from plane. This can also pass as a semi-formal design and a great design for everyday this will fit in with just about any event.
8. Neon Wings
The first thing that gets your attention is the neon colours used it is definitely painted on by a technician and it is a timely process with all the small detail and also getting the colours right this might not be something every nail technician will take on and that is not surprising this might look like an easy one to do but to make it look real it does take time.
This is beautiful and colourful but also it does have a bit of a summer feel to it maybe change up the colours a bit if you have a formal event.
9. Amazing butterflies
Did you just think WOW or was that just me? This is absolutely gorgeous and it has that simply elegant but fun feel to it. This will definitely take a lot of time to do and you will have to find a skilled nail technician to take this design on. This might be a quite pricey design as well but oh my gosh it looks so good maybe it is just the colour that makes me love it.
10. Just so simple
This design is actually quite amazing because the one butterfly per hand design really looks great and it puts a huge emphasis on the butterfly and the detail that is involved in painting it. This might look like quite a plain design but it is suitable for any occasion and will look great with anything. They are a great design to choose if you don’t want your nails to look overly done and busy, this is an eye catching design.
11. Light and beautiful
This is a great design if you are looking for something that is not so bright with the light colour and simple yet beautiful design this is one nail art that will not irritate you after a few days. The light colours with only a small bright butterfly and some glitter is a very feminine and minimalist design but in the same way it is makes a statement. This is something most women would wear and fall in love with, it will not take forever to do and maintaining it might be quite easy.
12. Butterfly tips
Quite a great design and it looks simple, the details in the butterflies are just enough to make this look great, This might not be everyone’s cut of tea and you might like something a bit more detailed but if you want something simple that still looks good and has detail this might be the perfect design.
13. Detailed butterflies
These designs are simply amazing the details is just amazing. These might be stickers but some nail technicians will be able to paint this on but just be warned you will be siting a while this amount of detail does not happen in 5 minutes. The white is a great background as it will not take any attention away from the butterflies.
14. One butterfly
If you are one of those girls that like keeping it simple except for one finger, this will be great for you. The butterfly is just WOW the detail is amazing and the colours fit so well. When I think butterfly this colours comes to mind without a doubt. This is something that will be great for anyone that like the simple french tips with just a small bit of art.
15. Busy but beautiful
The new trend these days are doing something different to each nail and although this can be a bit too much for most of us I cannot lie this does look great when done correctly but it is a very busy design with a lot of elements to it and a lot of detail so this might not be for everyone.
16. Short nails
Not everyone has long nails and due to the damage tips will do to your nails this is an amazing design for your short nails, It looks great but not overdone the detail might take a little while to do but it won’t leave you sitting for hours.
17. Jewels galore
This is a bling design with a lot of jewels and colours but it still has detail and looks great if you like the bling, This is also one of those designs that can be way too much for some people.
18. Colourful
This is a very colourful one it has some detail but the colours is what is going to take time here not exactly the design, It does look great but it is not a design everyone would wear the purple and blue looks amazing and it is beautiful but the colours makes it a bit busy and it might come across as something more for the younger generation
19. Fun with butterflies
This is a design that has small detail there is a lot of butterflies per finger so this will take time unless it is done by nail art printer or with the stickers but by painting this will be a very timely process as the detail will be extremely small.
20. Interesting design
This is not a normal design it is quite unique and abstract but not over done though. It does look interesting and it is done so well
21. Very simple
The title says it all it is such a simple design and the glitter part offers just enough detail to make this stand out.
22. Easy DIY
This might be someone who tried to do it themselves or a friend never the less it is still quite nice, it is a wing design that could be done with your nail art pens or small paint brushes and a dotting tool.
23. Vintage butterflies
This must have taken ages if it was painted on and the design and details are just amazing. This might be printed on but it looks painted on and that makes this amazing.
24. Abstract
This is one more of the abstract type of designs which is quite colourful but also will only be worn by a limited amount of people.
25. 3D Design
Even though this looks absolutely gorgeous you will have to wear it only to a special occasion because these might prove to be irritating and tricky for a daily look due to the 3D art standing out a lot.
26. Interesting but busy
This is such a beautiful design and looks detailed but it is very busy and if you do not look for the butterfly you will miss it.
27. Pink wings
There are loads of ways to get butterfly wings designed here is a pretty pink one. 28. Blue wings
This blue wing design is also quite nice and the ombre colour effect you get just takes it to a whole new level.
29. Glitter wings
This design with the glitter just stands out and will look great it is done very well and you can see they used their time well. This I done of those that makes everyone want these nails.
30. Great one butterfly
If you like glitter nails you must love this. It looks simple but it is great and the one butterfly makes this look perfect for any occasion.
These are just some of the amazing designs you will get and there are great DIY ideas out there if you are willing to try some out.